Sample Activities

Learning Activity 1

Your task is to explain what you already know about the course and/or if you are new to this topic explain what you hope to learn in no more than 500 words; non-textual media are encouraged.

Learning Activity 2

Annotated Bibliography – from the reading, create an annotation of no more than 300 words. Annotations are meant to be summaries of key findings + research methods/approaches + your critical evaluation. This activity asks you to fine tune your summarizing capabilities.

Learning Activity 3

(We are happy to introduce Twine to your class)

Time to create a twine of your own! Your job is to create a meaningful way to represent the reading through a twine creation of your own. Twines can be developed in a web browser, or by downloading the software. Be sure to check out If you choose this activity it is due Sunday October 3rd at midnight.

Here is a sample of what a group of students can achieve with this activity: Learning through game design

Note: this Twine game was completed by a group grad students, we recommend this be a midterm or final project if students are expected to create a Twine such as this one individually!

Learning Activity 4

Find an article to review that builds on this weeks readings and create a 3 minute video or podcast that discusses:

  1. Describe what you think are the most important ideas and explain them in your own words
  2. Choose a “representative quote” and explain what it means, how it represents the article and why it is of interest to you
  3. Ask a thoughtful question that points back to the reading

Learning Activity 5

Wikipedia critique: choose a key concept or important figure that we have learned about in this class this semester, a read the Wikipedia page on it. Identify what is missing from the entry, what could be expanded upon, what might be confusing to a reader, and/or what should not be there. Once you have identified the problems, fix them and submit a point-form list of your changes and the evidence you used to support them.

Learning Activity 6

Using animated gifs or memes — that you either make yourself or find online (and cite correctly!) — summarize explanations of three key ideas you have learned in the course this term. For each key idea you choose, explain (in 250 words or two minutes of audio/video) how the gifs/memes explain the point.

Learning Activity 7

Pick two topics out of the reading(s) and create a mashup of the key concepts/challenges/ideas/theories related to (enter topic here). Your job is to create a cohesive overview of _________. Imagine that you are presenting your mashup to work colleagues to introduce them to (enter topic here). The choice of medium is up to you but it must be suitable for a presentation.

Midterm Project – Social Media Theory Task

Using the platform of your choice (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Tik Tok, etc) find the public feed of someone (or an organization) whose ideas you think are important for (enter topic here), who is actively using social media to air their views. What are they talking about? How and why does it matter? How is social media reshaping (enter topic here)?

(We recommend you include a detailed description outlining what you are expecting from this project. You should expect students to gather about 30 posts to carry out this activity.)

Guidelines for the assignment: This assignment should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1200 words. Screenshots of the most relevant posts should be incorporated into the analysis. You are looking for theory in action in the real world so make sure you outline connections between the readings and the social media posts/tweets.

Here is a sample of what a group of students can achieve with this activity:
Twittering Theory Task

Final Project

Your task is to design, develop and produce a tool for your groups (enter topic here, educational/marketing/communicating) use. This digital tool should be based on your groups values and interests and is expected to be created with technologies available to you. I know that students technical skills will vary so it is expected that you build new skills or that you advance your current skill set. You have access to free digital tools at TRU, come see me if you need help finding them!

Here is a sample of what a group of students can achieve with this activity:
Seven Elements of Art